
22 February 2010

Words on Wheels

This is what happens when you listen to Hazards of Love way too many times. Still a work in process.

For the past six or so years, the MICA juniors have teamed up with elementary/middle  schools in Baltimore City to illustrate poems that these children write. The project is called Words on Wheels and these posters are displayed on the Light Rails and buses running throughout Baltimore. Last year I had the opportunity to participate as Jumore (Sophmore/Junior, cause I'm a transfer student and nothing is simple when you transfer) and my poster was one of the ones selected and displayed. (Though I never saw them.)

This year I get to do it again and my poem is about perseverance through tough times and and situations.

Here are some screen shots of my work in progress:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

This was my original final, but then.....I took the green and red layer off and this happened:

I still have some serious tweaking to do, but we are moving forward swimmingly.

*Note* These are just screen shots of what I have been doing, so the picture quality is not that great.


17 February 2010

The Dazed

My first color screenprint EVER. From last semester's screenprinting class with Quentin Moseley.


For Collage class, an abstract landscape of Canada and a cut paper experimentation. I really really like hot air balloons. I will update with a better quality photograph. These kind of suck.

16 February 2010

Haiti's Tragedy

For Concepts II, we were given the task of re-doing the cover of Time Magazine that was for covering the aftermath of the earthquake on Haiti. 

Doing this piece was difficult because I never really tackled such a serious topic before and overall was a great experience. It was also a challenge because I am not very good at drawing hands, but I think I was able to resolve that with the stylization I chose to work in.

I have so much more to post soon!

02 February 2010

Heavens to Betsy!

Although I had to drop Lifestyles for stress reasons, I am going to keep up with the "Style Buddies" as they are so affectionately called. This is one of them: Betsy.

Done in ink and photoshop.