
25 April 2010

The Tarot WIP

Oh Fantasy Art, how I love thee. This is some of my work in progress for my tarot card of death (dundundun) which really isn't a bad card. It just symbolizes change.

I have to take a major editing eye in this piece right now. The waves are too close in value and are getting lost in each other. The thorns are in competition with the waves and death could be a lot cooler, but for all purposes, it turned out fairly well as an experimentation with collage and digital. So, yay for me.

There will be a ton more to show as finals approach. Stay tuned!


19 April 2010

Blogging About Homework

So taking some of Kristin's advice; I really don't like doing my homework at the desk, so I am going to update my blog. As you can see I changed the colors and they look happier.


For Allan's class we are doing a "mini thesis" where we developed a concept and are illustrating it in the form a certain amount of images to serve a purpose.

When I have a few of them completed, I will make light of what is happening.

It started off like the image above, but have since inverted it. It is majorly in the works right now.

In collage, we were doing clay and this is a piece that came out of it. Right now I am in the process of building the set with a bit more detail so that the t.v. will glow.